I woke up pretty tired, but psyched that I had chosen to shower during lunch and not before breakfast a time during which, I later learned, there was no hot water. After taking my dirty self to breakfast, I sat through a lesson on Albanian culture which I found mostly unremarkable. The traditions are different, but certainly not too different and at the end of the day people are people. Some will be different from you and some will be the same as you. What might offend one American might not offend another one, and the same is true here.
The main difference, we were told, is that electricity is really expensive so people usually only heat up water for the shower 3-4 times a week and that many people eat out of communal bowls and plates during meal time. Not a big deal. I've eaten with many Americans who I'm sure would secretly love to eat out of the same bowl. As to water and electricity having running water and electricity at all are pretty big perks and it shouldn’t be hard to live with limited service. They are, after all, the very luxuries I have been preparing myself to live without since I initiated my Peace Corps application 15 months ago. And even I hadn't- I went to art school where the reigning mentality was that there is always someone who hasn't showered for longer and someone who smells worse, so showering every other day seems pretty good. Not to mention limited water is better for the environment. Lastly, it is really good to be in a culture not overly obsessed with eradicating natural body order. That must sound really weird to some of you, but it's true. As Americans we are oddly and monomaniacal obsessed with covering up our natural (Natural, not bad) body order. This is the order which animals are meant to have (and yes, we are animals) to use to mate and attract one another. In other words, we are not robots we are living creatures and each of use is meant to have a unique smell. Smell, like eyes, feet and nose is one of should be a feature that sets each of us apart.
Armed with this new knowledge about Albanian culture I returned to my room to find most of the clothes drenched in yesterday’s storm had dried. I packed and brought my bags downstairs to the hotel lobby and then took my last hot shower for a few days. As I and the other volunteers tried to stuff ourselves and our bags onto the Shales (my village’s name) furgon we realized that we should sort ourselves according to how we would be dropped off. I was told to get on the bus first as I was the last to be dropped off, which made me really start wondering about how isolated I would be. I already knew I was the only volunteer without a full service toilet, but I had to prepare myself for being a bit isolated on the outskirts of the village. As we drove away from Elbasan I started to realize how plush my past few days had been- I don't think I ever ate that well for that long in America. Additionally, I had a shower that heated up right away (in NY my shower could take a good 7 minutes), a non-steam (read: quiet, non-banging and non-hissing) heater, waiter service and clean up for every meal, 2 food breaks a day and plenty cheap and good cappuccinos. Now, I thought, my true PC experience will start. Now, I will start seeing Albania for real and actually start living as a regular person. Also, I will be forced to use my shqip something I realize I must start doing.
As the bus drove down the road to our village I started seeing things a bit differently.
On the way to my village, our little caravan dropped the first person off at a two-story house that bordered houses with chickens on the front porch. We all stared at the chickens- what a novelty! Everyone seemed really impressed by the diversity of housing.
We dropped one more person off in the center of the village (above the restaurant) and then drove off to the outskirts where the last two volunteers, Katie and I, would live. Katie got dropped off at a huge house with a chicken coup, Mercedes and tractor outside. A herd of people came to greet her and then I was left alone.
Basa and Martin (the driver) took one of Katie's host family members with us to find my house. We found it and were warmly greeted by my female host family. I was really nervous and I'm sure it showed. My family, however, was so excited and kind that it was hard to stay tense.
1 comment:
From a current volunteer to a new one- don't worry, you will have plenty of time to have a beer or two during training. The castle bar will become your home . . . don't worry, we'll show you the way :)
Welcome to Albania!
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