I've lately been going to find a package my mother kindly sent. As I discussed before, Albania has wisely decided to invest in LARGE HUGE BIG screen tvs for each of its post offices at which people pay their electric bills. It has also announced that in two years every street in the capital and possibly other cities will have a name and address enabling people to get mail. (Gazeta Shqiptare,"3,000 road signs ready to be put up" p. 18 - Tirana, July 2009). "Tirana Municipality announced that more than 3,000 road signs will be put up in the Capital following the conclusion of the modernization of the address system. The project included the naming of 1304 streets, 840 of which were new street names, and the numbering of buildings. Tirana Municipality is working to complete the city’s Address Book, which will contain accurate and updated addresses. Soon all the data will be entered into the Geographic Information System (GIS) and will feature on the Municipality’s official website."

However, for now, the post office is largely for passports, visa and electric bills. I went with my book (circled in blue) so that I could pay and get stamped when I notice that the stationary picture on the big tv is now showing minimovies advertising the postal service. The one I liked the best has a lady surrounded by an assortment of computer screens on the tables around her, with a large ledger in front of her, pen in hand, smiling up.
I managed to pay with only one person throwing their book, money and bills on top of me while at the counter (circled in red) so I think the bill paying is making a huge improvement. Especially, since though she pushed her papers over to the other side of the counter while I was infront of the hole in the plastic and the woman was calculating my bill, she did it in a very civilized way and didn't even try to push me out of the way (as you can see by the fact that the her papers remained on the top part of the counter- hence not a large or powerful toss). However, she did tell the lady to stop working on me and work on her, but the post office lady ignored her.

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