Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Posts

I decided to post some pictures from the past. I'm going to try to back date the posts to when the pictures and events happened- but my memory is not great (hence, the decision to do it now, before the memories completely evaporate).
Point being: If you think you've read all the old posts, you probably haven't. I'm going to try to mark them with (*new post) and list them below.
Also- I know you're reading my blog (for real, I actually do, especially people in Albania) so why not comment- I love feedback!
#1) Traversing through Orikum ('09)
#2) Summertime and the Beach (*new post) ('09)


becca said...

I thought I'd comment just to say hi (I follow directions well). I'm in the Philippines right now, headed back to China for a few weeks, then home! Completely broke, but superbly happy. Kisses to Albania!

Traveling Solo said...

Becca!! Wow that is amazing. China sounds fantastic. What is your blog? Did you post pics? I wanna hear all about it! didn't know you still read my blog- amazing!