Saturday, July 3, 2010


Woke up way to early for my taste, the sun's intense heat and light felt even through the comfort of my bed, and tried to pay my bills. I was about 50% successful which for Albania is an A+. I managed to pay the rent and internet but couldn't pay the water or electricity because I didn't have my little book. I went up to the counter with the bill and the money and tried to pay, but the ladies at the post office (yes post office, since mail doesn't really exist here the post office is used to pay electric bills) get really bent out of shape when you don't have your little book with a light bulb that says elektric on the front. You see, if you don't have your little book there is nothing for them to stamp. Stamping being a most important and exciting activity, usually done multiple times for one transaction.The book, mind you, is only for me and my records. They keep the bill (i.e. the document I did have with me) for their records. I even offered- at the whopping price of $.50- to purchase a new book, but was refused. So, despite having the
money and the bill I was unable to pay because there was no little book to stamp. I didn't even bother with the water.

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