Sunday, September 23, 2007

Back in NYC

Waking up in Brooklyn, I realized that I had so much to do! I had to get my stuff in Manhattan (I seem to be always getting, moving, or shleeping stuff), go home, eat and get to synagogue before sundown. Ugh.

After circling 75th street for 1.2 hour, I realized why I hate the UWS so much. It is an absolute war. The pedestrians move whenever they want, a benefit I certainly reserve for myself and take with me to other states, cars can only turn when the pedestrians have the right of way, and there are more beat up white vans double parked then citizens of South Dakota. Thankfully, I was only honked at once, and was able to park at the hydrant. Later, the owner of a legally beat up white van graciously offered me his spot, further ameliorating my situation. Did I mention that I love New York?

I drove home, showered ate and made it to the elderly reconstructionist synagogue in time. What is with me and the old people lately? Hm....

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